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Join us for Sun River Gardens annual handmade market

Bloem Market!

What is Bloem Market? It’s an event hosted by Sun River Gardens where local artisans + crafters have been invited to showcase and sell their beautiful handmade goods. And of course, what better time than right before Valentine’s Day! …So come on down, be inspired, support your local artists and go home with something made with a lot of love and creativity.


Date + Time

Feb. 7-8, 2020 from 10AM-6PM both days

Event Location

Sun River Gardens 1248 N. State St. Orem, UT 84057 (please click on link for directions)


Follow on Instagram for market giveaways!

@bloemmarketgoods | @sunrivergardens


Have Questions? Email Us! tanya@sunrivergardens.com



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