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Workshop Details:

Houseplants 101

Join us for a Houseplant Care 101 Class on Saturday, June 22nd from 10am – 11am in the greenhouse at Sun River Gardens! We’ll cover houseplant topics such as the difference between Summer/Winter care, houseplant watering tips, fertilizing, lighting, when to re-pot and how placement in your home matters.  We’ll also talk about some of our favorite easy-to-care plants, that include low-light varieties and air-purifying varieties.  And, in the end you’ll get to take home your own 4″ diameter houseplant.


Date & Time(s): 

Saturday June 22, 2019 from 10am-11am


Workshop fee is $15 and includes seminar and 1 x 4″ houseplant


Workshop Fee & Prior Sign-Up Are Required.
Sign-Up In Store or Call 801-229-1975 to reserve your seat.
Classes Have Limited Space Available


PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately due to material costs & popularity of the class, cancellations after June 17th cannot be refunded.


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