Dear Sun River Gardens Friends,
In lieu of growing concerns over the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we wanted to reach out and update you on some decisions we have made regarding workshops/classes and events being held at Sun River Gardens.
After much consideration and information regarding the spread of COVID-19, we have decided to cancel all upcoming workshops and classes until we hear or decide otherwise.
Customers who had previously signed up to any of the following workshops will receive a refund in full.
3/14/20: English Cottage Gardening Class
03/21/20: Lavender Kokedama Workshop
03/28/20: Spring Nested Garden Workshop
04/04/20 : Rose Gardening 101 Class
04/11/20: Vegetable Gardening 101 Class
04/18/20: Herb Gardening 101 Class
Our SRG customer service team will be reaching out via phone to all those previously signed-up to notify and to reimburse.