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Dear Sun River Gardens Friends,

In lieu of growing concerns over the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we wanted to reach out and update you on some decisions we have made regarding workshops/classes and events being held at Sun River Gardens.

After much consideration and information regarding the spread of COVID-19, we have decided to cancel all upcoming workshops and classes until we hear or decide otherwise.


Customers who had previously signed up to any of the following workshops will receive a refund in full.


3/14/20: English Cottage Gardening Class

03/21/20: Lavender Kokedama Workshop

03/28/20: Spring Nested Garden Workshop

04/04/20 : Rose Gardening 101 Class

04/11/20: Vegetable Gardening 101 Class

04/18/20: Herb Gardening 101 Class


Our SRG customer service team will be reaching out via phone to all those previously signed-up to notify and to reimburse.


Note To Our SRG Community:

While there are currently no COVID-19 cases at Sun River Gardens or in Utah County that we know of, we have grown increasingly concerned, and the health and safety of our SRG team, customers, families, friends, loved ones, and our Utah community is our top priority.

Sun River Gardens will continue to be regularly assessing this evolving situation and will make decisions about the status of our store and our store events as needed.

Sun River Gardens is keeping a close eye on all reports coming from the CDC and state and local health departments and making sure that each of our staff members is aware and following CDC and health department recommendations for prevention and containment.

Please know that we are doing everything we can do to minimize the effects of this virus on our customers, business, SRG staff and surrounding community.

Thank you for being a loyal customer.  We are privileged to serve you our customer and our community and look forward to seeing you soon.

Best Regards,

Scott and Tanya Engh – Owners, Sun River Gardens


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